
Catwoman's Costuming Corner
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You need to buy:

A unitard (white)

Fabric paint or Markers (yellow and/or gold, black orange)

Yarn (for tail, warmers and possibly Wig)

Dance Shoes/Slippers (white, black)

1) Start with the tail following all the steps provided here. The tail looks like this:


2) Next is the Wig. You can either make one using the information provided here, or you can order one from ebay or commision one from someone. The wig looks like this:


3) After you've bought a white unitard, you'll have to paint/colour the unitard with a gold/yellow undercoat, leaving the chest and stomach white, also leaving a white patch on the back in the same manner. Then add black hatching over it.

Photobucket Photobucket

4) Either knit, buy or commision leg warmers. If you buy warmers from the store, try and get some that are white, and then you can paint or colour them (i'd suggest paint, only because the colour is bolder and stays on the fabric better)

Photobucket Photobucket

5) For gloves, you can buy white dinner gloves from a dress store or costume store and paint them. You can cut the fingers off the gloves as well.



Disclaimer: I am not part of the team who brought together CATS nor do i claim to be in any part of this site. This is a fan made site. I make no money off this site. CATS was created by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Cameron Mackintosh, Trever Nunn, John Napier and Gyllian Lynn, and the Really Useful Group (RUG). Please don't sue me.
Background is from Randominity. Thanks! ^^
