This is my way of making wigs. Not sure if anyone else uses this method but I find it easy.
You'll need:
- I metal toothed brush
- The colour of yarn you want
- Hot gluegun
- Swimming or latex Cap (or even cut the hood off an old sweater and sew it so it fits on your head)
- scizorss
Step 1) First take a marker and mark out where the ears are going to be on your wig and draw a circle
on the cap where the ears should be. Take whichever colours of yarn you want.
2) Take the yarn and wrap it around your fingers very loosly. Cut it and you should have strands of yarn about 20cm long.
Yarn/Wool Brands:
- Bernat Silk Yarn (used in pictures)
- Lion Brand (wool, can become 'curly' which is bad)
3)Take a few peices from the group and tie
a knot at the end so you create a small bud.
4) Take your metal toothed
brush and brush it out so it becomes fuzzy. Then take your glue gun and hot glue it onto the cap/wigbase. Its easiest to start
on the sides of the wig cap/wig base. Be sure to work from the outside in as it's easier.
You can
use any of the following to fray the yarn:
5) When doing the ears try and keep the frayed yarn as long as possible. You don't want the ears
to be hidden- you want them to be visable. To do the ears, just fill in the circles you drew on the wigcap/wig base at the
start and punch the tip of it. You can tie it with a bit of yarn to keep it together. When its finished you can use an elastic
to keep it in place or you can tie a knot at the tip.
href="¤t=easter046.jpg" target="_blank">
6) Once you've completed the wig, you can trim and style it. You can use hairspray to keep it in place if need be. I
would NOT suggest using hair-moose. You can use tons of it and it just doesn't make the yarn stick together, just leaves
you with a mess.
Your progress with the wig should resemble this:
Don't have time to make a wig yourself?
Click here to go to the page on ebay with the CATS wigs. PS they’re
at the bottom of the page.